Penang Trip 2021

My family and i planned to go to Penang for a short family trip to rest and have fun. At first, we planned to go to Kedah on the first day to visit my dad's grandma and then check in Park Rat Penang in the evening. Then the next day we would stay at the hotel to swim, rest and discover the resort. On the third day we would go to The Habitat at Penang Hill for an adventures experience. Then on the last day, we would go for a horse ride. But all of these were only our plan, what a bummer when we heard about the MCO rumours that might be happening on the third day of our trip. 

We knew we had to do a plan B incase the rumours were true. The plan B was going on Sunday instead of Monday. On Saturday night, my family and i had a meeting to decide on when we should go. We then decided to go the next day. My brother needed to attend his concert on that day so we had to start our journey in the afternoon. We arrived at Penang in the evening which was a perfect timing for swimming. We checked in a resort called PARK ROYAL Resort, Penang. My siblings and i straight away changed our clothes and went to the beach/swimming pool. The wave was really strong and then we called it a day. 

On the Old Penang Bridge 

The view from our room 


finished swimming!

Room 621 

In the resort lift 

On the next day, we went to Penang Tropical Fruit Farm and ate rojak buah, drank fruit juice and did fruit tasting. After that we went for horse riding which was really fun and different because it was my first experience horse riding. I got a white horse which fit my outfit for the day. The las thing we did was eat nasi kandar at Deens Maju Nasi Kandar. The food was just delicious, nothing else, just delicious. In the evening my siblings and i went swimming while my parents waited in the room for the MCO announcement. I waited at the swimming pool for my parents to come down because i wanted to know what the prime minister announced. Then the MCO was declared, we got to know that we had to leave the next day because the PM gave us only a day to prepare for the MCO. 

Penang Tropical Fruit Farm 

the rojak buah 

Fruit ABC


Horse Riding

The 3 Musketeers 

The following day, i woke up in the morning, prepared my stuff and went to The Habitat, Penang Hill. My family and i had to ride the train which was the steepest train i've ever ride in my entire life. When we arrived on the top of Penang hill, we took a few photos then we walked to the Habitat and started with our trail with our tour guide, farah. The trail was for an hour and a half, then we went for zip lining was the only thing i was waiting for. This was my second experience of zip lining, my first was at Outbound Camp. 

Tree top walk 

the steepest train 

the view 

this is resin 

the view was immaculate

the Penang bridge from the hill top view 


the entrance 

going down using a pulley 


This Penang Trip was a short but adventurous trip for my family and i indeed. I had so much fun because i haven't had a holiday in a year and it was my first trip of 2021. I really enjoyed the trip. 

Love, Aira 


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